Monday, January 4, 2010

yoga darling!

I got Mandy Ingber's Yogalosophy video and am soooooo in love with it! i have only done it a few times, but it is defeinitly something i can stick with! It's a combination of yoga poses that then go into toning exercises! {this girl needs some toning!} anyway, since the miles don't seem to be happening {i could give excuses, but not even going to go there!}, i need to do something. So i have vowed to do one work out video a day...this is the one i keep coming back to! love it! So proud of you jen! you hit the 50 mile is getting so cold here {not as cold as where you are, but still cold!} & i don't even want to think about going outside!...might be a while before my miles start to climb. trying to talk bo into getting me a double jogger...that would be so nice!


  1. I LOVE YOGA! I really miss it. Maybe I should check out this video!
    Oh, believe me, I will not be running outside for quite some time! It is literally 5 degrees as I type this and we have about 8 inches of snow on the ground with 3-6 more coming tomorrow! Thank God for treadmills!
    Glad you found something you can do and be excited about!

  2. we're doing a giveaway for it on the 14th...try and win it. if you don't, i would definitely reccomend buying srsly rocks!
