Thursday, June 17, 2010

Boot Camp Day 6...

Last boot camp class!  Well, at least the last class that I've payed for.  I think I may see what my sweet husband thinks about me going once a week.  I hate to give it up!  It's such a good workout, and I feel like I'm starting to see results!

Anyhoo, today we...

Run down and back on parking lot x 4
squat pyramid with whole class {everyone holds a squat, one at a time do one squat jump, then two, etc} x 10
One lap around entire park
Push ups with a partner, clapping hands in between {15, then 20, then 25} running down and back parking lot in between
25 jumping lunges, suicide run x 3
twisting lunges down parking lot and back
10 Sphinx pushups, 16 plank punches {each arm} x 3
hold plank 1 minute
crunches, bicycles, flutters

Great workout as usual!

Today's distance:  1.5 miles

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Boot Camp Day 5...

Another bright and early morning!

10 minutes running
pyramid burpie, pushup, mountain climber, 1-10
sprint down parking lot and back x 3
with partner, one person jump rope one person run down parking lot and back with body bar, switch x 3
Alternating 10 lunges ea. leg, 25 squat jumps down parking lot, sprint back
25 pushups, horse down and back with partner, 3x each
5 in 30 sprints x3
crunches, hold x 3
bicycles, hold x 3
leg flutters, hold x3

Total Distance:  2.1 miles

One more class to go!  I'm actually kinda sad.  I would love to keep going, but at $10 a class, I just don't think it's in the budget.  Maybe I can recreate it on my own?  I'm not sure I'll be able to push myself as hard on my own though. :(

Monday, June 14, 2010

Beat the storm...

I got in a run yesterday morning just in time!  I knew there was a thunderstorm coming and had Jon on standby to come rescue me if it started before I could get home.  I made it just in started raining when I was two houses from home!

Yesterday's distance:  2.1 miles

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Boot Camp day 4...

Today's class was Bru.tal.

Yeah, remember how on tuesday I was questioning whether the class was easier, or I was making great progress?  The answer is:  class was easier!

Holy cow!  I can tell that I'm getting stronger, but she really kicked our behinds today!

Class was as follows:
10 minute run warmup
25 Bar Jacks, run to other side of parking lot, 25 Bar Jacks, run back x3
10 Lunges each leg, 10 jumping squats- Across parking lot and back
Sprint across parking lot and back
5 in 30 sprints {30 ft back and forth 5 lengths in 30 seconds} x3
25 pushups, run across parking lot, 25 biceps curls with band, run back x2
Run around track to shelter, 25 step ups on each leg, run back to start
50 crunches, 50 reverse crunches, 50 bicycles x2

Um, yeah!  Holy Cow!

Today's distance:  1.76 miles

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Boot camp day 3...

Today was much easier than last week!  Not sure if the class was actually easier, or if I am getting better!  {maybe a little of both?} I did come away with a blister on the ball of my good!  Hopefully it will heal fast!

Class broke down as follows:

10 minute jog
Suicides with shuffles-one on each side
25 mountain climbers (on each leg) with forward/backward suicides x 3
Pyramid squat pushups 1-10
squat holds while going through each person running down and back with body bar
plank holds while going through each person running down and back with body bar
straight leg crunches

3 more classes to go!  ;)

Today's distance:  1.8 miles

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday Runday....

Got up this morning and watered my new flowers!  I noticed that it was nice and cool and decided to go ahead and get my run in for the day.  I'm glad I did because by the time I got home it was warming up quite a bit...but then again, so was I!

I was thinking while I ran that I might just beat this ole body of mine into submission yet!  ;)

25 minutes of running. 1.5 walking.

Today's Distance:  2.22 miles

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Evening run and Boot Camp day 2...

Man have I been sore!  Our boot camp instructor recommended that we get in some cardio yesterday, so that's exactly what I did.  I went for a run yesterday evening despite the fact that I was extremely sore.  I did the recommended 25 minutes and got in about 2.3 miles.  This morning it was back to boot camp.  Killer!  We did about 2.0 miles total with exercises in between.

10 minute run to start
Circuit {while carrying body bar}of 25 push ups, run, 25 step ups on each leg {on a picnic bench}, run, 25  jumping jacks {with bar}, run, 25 squats--3x all the way through
Jumping squat suicides--3x {although she had me stop at 2.
25 sit ups
25 leg flutters

kicked. my. booty!

My shoulders are rediculous sore, I can barely hold my arms up to type.  So glad I have a few days to recover now!  This makes cardio look like a cake walk!  ;)

Yesterday's Distance:  2.3 miles
Today's Distance:  2.0

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Boot Camp...

I was up this morning at 5 for my first day of Boot Camp!  It was exactly as excruciating as I expected!  The instructor was super nice though, no yelling.  ;)

The class consisted of:
10 minutes of running
jumping jacks with a weight bar, run, squats with a weight bar x 3
burpies or mountain climbers and suicide runs x 4
1 push up, 1 dip, 2 push ups, 2 dips, etc up to ten on a park bench
plank for 30 sec, crunches for 30 sec x 4
reverse crunches

In case you hadn't guessed, it kicked my ass!  All in all I really liked it!  The first one is always the hardest, so I'm glad to have it out of the way!

I've been instructed to drink lots of water today, and get in some cardio tomorrow.  Then we'll do it again on Saturday!

Now, all I have to do is stay awake for the rest of the day!  Good times!

Total Distance:  1.8 miles {of running/walking}

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

quick lunch walk...

took a lap around the track at lunch...

distance:  .7 miles


sweet!  i just scored a Windsor Pilates 7 dvd set for $5 on my work's trading post!  can't wait to try it out!  ;)