Tuesday, February 23, 2010

change is gonna come...

so change is gonna come...

i am going to be making a few changes to how i have been posting on the blog. just like exercise/diet it has been half-a$$. well, that's all about to change. this 40 day challenge has really gotten me in gear and i am loving it. i can't remember the last time i actually exercised 5 days in a row {okay, even 2 days in a row}. i am feeling all committed and pumped about it. so now it's time to conquer the diet. i have been attempting to count calories, but every day, end up not writing something down, binging on a honey bun {or two...cringe}, totally undoing any good that a twenty minute workout can do. I have got to fix this, pronto! so every day i am going to post every thing that i eat. i know this will probobly be of little interest to anyone out in the blogosphere, but i know that it will help me stay focused and hopefully on a healthier {shrinking} path. the key to weight loss is diet and exercise and if i can conquer them both, i know i will see results. and let's face it, swimsuit season is coming...QUICKLY, change is gonna come! so starting tomorrow get ready for some food posts. & if you have any advice, or if you see me eating something that i should be running from, please, please, please let me know. i am going to try and keep my calories at 1500 max {i think that's a good number, i'm still nursing hollis, so i have to consider that along with my calorie intake}...if anyone has any advice on that number, i'm all ears! so thanks for tolerating the upcoming food log {which i think is appropriate to go with the 40 days log}, and hopefully i can get it together this time. i know you will all hold me accountable! {we do have company coming in town through the weekend, so i may not post for a few days, but i will keep up with food intake and do one "weekend diet" post to update the days i miss.}


  1. sounds like a plan girlie! I've been concentrating on my diet as well. I can join you in the food journal if you like! I've already been keeping track, so it wouldn't be too hard. Maybe we can make tabs for our food journals too. I'm trying to figure out how to get them across the top of the blog....i'll work on that later!
    love you! and, I'm so excited that you're excited! :)

  2. food journal tabs sound lovely! i'm so proud of you for sticking with your making the cut. i have to go to target today and am thinking about picking it up?! i love jillian! she's so awesome!

  3. i will tell you, it is a little confusing, and you do need some equipment. we have enough to get by, so i think i'll be able to make do. the food section is okay, but the recipes make anywhere from 4-10 servings, so you have to adjust, and quite truthfully, i'm not even bothering with most of them. just an fyi. It is good though, at least so far. If nothing else it's motivating and is getting me to do strength training that I haven't done in who knows how long, if ever. it is most definitely kicking my bootie! i don't know if you have the 30 day shred dvd...can't remember, but that is a great video...totally kicks butt! {don't want to discourage you from the making the cut, but just wanted to give you the 411}
    i'm really glad today is my off day, not sure if my quads could handle another work out today! I'll get in a walk though.

  4. i do have 30 day shred...i'll have to blow off the dust... :)
    thanks for the info!
