Thursday, February 18, 2010

40 Day Challenge...

So, I've been in a bit of an exercise rut lately.  Oh, who am I kidding!?  I've come to a screeching halt!  I thought I was ready to get back at it...I really did.

You see, when I wrote my last post on the 9th, I had just had something happen that sent me into an emotional tailspin.  At the time, I wasn't aware of the toll it would take on me both physically and emotionally.  

Then, when I thought I was ready to get back at it this week, I was blindsided with something else entirely that got my sleep pattern all messed up and has had me exhausted every morning this week.  Let's just say some skeletons surfaced, and on top of the thing from the week before...i've been a little whacked. 

I've made excuse after excuse, and I'm not liking myself for it.  I know in my heart that all of this would have been easier to deal with if I had kept exercising.  But, I didn't.  Now, I just want to get back at it.  I know the longer I wait, the harder it's going to be.  

So, one of my absolute favorite bloggers, Kristin from Iowa Girl Eats , is hosting a 40 Day Challenge for Lent!  Instead of giving something up, she's committing to at minimum 20 minutes of exercise every day of lent.  

I have spoken to Amanda about this, and we both agree that this could be precisely the kick in the butt that we need to get back on track.  

So, over in the left sidebar  you will find a link to each of our 40 Days pages.  This is where we will keep track of our 40 Day challenges.  {I plan on blogging as usual in addition to these brief descriptions.}

Anyone who would like to join in, please do!  

You can find Kristin's 40 days page here along with links to other bloggers participating in the challenge.  

And if you haven't been to Iowa Girl Eats , do it.  Kristin is a doll and continues to inspire me and give me great ideas of healthy food choices.  She was where I learned of Overnight Oats as she calls them.  I wrote about them here as Yogurt Oatmeal Parfaits.  She has also turned me on to my new favorite thing in the whole world...Roasted Brussel Sprouts !  I know, sounds crazy, but they are sooooo delish.

Okay, ready.....set....go!!!

1 comment:

  1. yay! off we go for 40 days! i'm totally in this with you girl & got started this morning! love that iowa girl with her inspiration!
