Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Friday night, Jon and I took advantage of the cool weather after a storm rolled through.  We went on a nice long walk, and talked.  It was awesome!

Friday's distance:  3 miles

Last night, Amanda and I were lucky enough to be together for a walk!  yay!  We had to cut it a little short due to a creepy guy with a great dane, but we managed to get in 1.7 miles and a whole lotta girl talk!  ;)  {don't forget to add this to your total, Amanda!} 

Monday's distance:  1.7 miles

Total distance:  4.7 miles.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

running woman...

Went for a 3 mile jog this evening.  Guess what...I ran the whole thing!  Not sure what got into me.  I just decided I was gonna do it, and did it!  Yay for me!  ;)

Still looking for another opportunity to ride my bike!

Today's Distance:  3 miles

Monday, July 5, 2010


Saturday morning I went for a little run/walk.  Nice to be back out there...I'll have to do it again!
Run/Walk Distance:  3 miles

We also went for a little bike ride Saturday evening...does that count toward DBF?  Kinda seems like cheating.  I won't count it toward the distance! 
Bike Distance:  2.6 miles