Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The hummus was kicking back...

I decided to do some intervals on the treadmill this evening. I alternated between running a 1/4 mile and walking an 1/8 mile, running at speeds of 6 to 8.5 mph, and walking at 4 mph. At about 2 miles in I was having pretty serious abdominal discomfort, so I made myself run another 1/4 mile {just to prove to myself that I'm capable of more than I think I am} and walked the rest. I think it was a combination of not being used to running that fast, and the middle eastern food I had for lunch!

Todays Distance: 3 miles {treadmill}

p.s. I love how when you work out it re-activates your perfume. Know what I mean?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

not gonna help!

yep...i'm totally screwed if things like this keep showing up at my door!!! ha!

Monday, October 26, 2009

On the road again...

I'm back lady! Last week really sucked. Between the rain, and all the festivities with the husband's birthday, I did not do so well on the workout schedule. I knew that I had to get back on track today. I would have liked to have gotten up early this morning. I always have good intentions of getting up early, but hardly ever am able to pull myself out of bed.

Needless to say, I didn't get up. Instead I ran this evening on the treadmill. I even went to Saver's with my mom after work, and still made working out a priority when I got home. I was quite proud of myself. I just have to make it a priority, because if I don't, I can always find an excuse not to do it. Always.

My husband is waiting for me to watch Dancing with the Stars...better go jump in the shower!

Todays Distance: 2.5 miles (treadmill)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

rain, ear infections....excuses much?!

so ava still has her ear infections...she seems to be doing better, though. however, i haven't been out to woggle in quite a while. yesterday the weather was gorgeous, but the day got away from me. so in a last ditch effort to get in some sort of exercise, i busted out my 30 day shred with jillian michaels from the biggest loser at 10 pm. it is only a 20 minute video, but it kicked my booty! {& got me really pumped about exercising!} i'm gonna try and do it every day for thirty days and see if it really can help me loose some inches. i am even going to do it on days i get to woggle. i have decided that when i get the opportunity to go woggle, i need to make the most of from now on, if time allows, i am going to try and pull some 4 or 5 milers to make sure to reach my goal. i have found that every day just isn't going to happen for getting out with someone to watch the kids and the weather isn't always cooperative, so....i'm gonna have to make the most of the days that for some reason, the planets all align and i can escape for a bit! maybe later today the rain will stop and i can get out for quick one! we shall see. i do feel good that i did some sort of exercise yesterday, though. i really do miss my gym right about now!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rat on a wheel...

My sweet husband agreed to go for a walk with me this evening.  He didn't want to run because he has volleyball tonight.  I didn't want to go by myself.  I'm sure I was just being paranoid, but there were some solicitors roaming the neighborhood when I came home from work (which is not allowed), and I knew they were still out there and for some reason that made me not want to go out alone.  Again, probably just showing how spoiled I am, and paranoid, but I always listen to my gut on things of this matter. 
Anyway, we started out for a walk, and it immediately started sprinkling.  So, we decided to just do some laps around the block so we wouldn't be far from home if it started pouring.  Well, by the time we made one lap, the thunder started getting louder, and the wind picked up.  The storm was about to be upon us.  So, that was that. 

Todays Distance:  .4 mile walk

Tomorrow the friends are coming over to help move the treadmill from the garage to the basement!  Yipee!  As much as I hate the thought of being a rat on a wheel, it will definitely be nice to not be at the mercy of mother nature anymore!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

plans, shmlans...

i will not be the slacker here....but....
i had big plans for the weekend including some major woggling, but the weekend had different plans for me.
we took the kids to the circus on saturday morning (i crazy, didn't take my camera, thought my mom would have her point and shoot...wrong! so no pics of ava riding the elephant...& it was soooo darn cute!) anyway, we had a great time, but throughout the show i kept noticing ava was acting a bit that she was snuggling with us. this child never sits still to snuggle and always insists on being in her own chair, such the little miss independent. anyway, by the time the circus was over, the child was burning up. so we brought her home and spent the rest of the day on the couch with a sick baby that wanted to be held {as much as i hate for her to be sick, i sure love those snuggles!} she was running a 101.4 temp and just feelin' crummy. i had a feeling it was an ear infection. she is teething and was having a lot of drainage from her nose {yummy}. so first thing this morning we went the the {germ factory} urgent care center. spent the morning there and after a long wait in a room full of really sick kids...i mean, throwing up at the door sick we finally were seen and mama was right...double ear infection with a sinus infection....
of course the pharmacy was all backed up so we couldn't get her meds until 4 this afternoon. bo stayed with hollis {didn't want to expose him to all those germys} and when i got home he had to go to sleep so he could work tonight. so....needless to say, this weekend consisted of running around my sick child and sitting on my butt holding her.
so now, i have even BIGGER plans for the week...catch up to where i should be on this journey. sorry i didn't make it this week won't be a habit, promise. but life had other plans for proud of you for reching the goal and surpassing it! you rock sister! and you should feel so proud of yourself...i am proud of you.

wrong turn!

Just got home from my woggle for the day!  I intended on going 2.5 miles today, but took a wrong turn, so I ended up doing 2.8.  It is alot warmer today than I thought!  Whew, sweaty! 
My husband is off playing golf, so I have the house to myself today.  I'm going to go take a shower, make a pumpkin latte, and relax!

Today's distance:  2.8 miles

This week's distance:  10.95 miles

Friday, October 16, 2009


I got off work early today and instead of wasting the time, I took advantage of a fairly nice day and got in 4 miles!  It was most certainly a woggle.  I'm fresh in from it...still sweating, all before 5:00 when I would normally still be at work!  Yipee!  Now the weekend can begin, and I only have 2 more miles to get in this week to be on track for the year! 

Today's distance: 4 miles

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I LOVE IT! Woggle! We need to make a t-shirt for that! Except, hopefully we won't be woggling for long!

I'm not doing anything today. It is too stinking cold (47 degrees), and I woke up with a scratchy throat this morning from my run in the rain yesterday. Better nip that in the butt before it gets worse!  I know, excuses, excuses! 

Check this out, it will help you figure out your milage.   I use this thing all the time!  No driving necessary!
Good job girlie!  Sounds like you definitely got in some good distance today...I'M PROUD OF YOU!   (Thanks Grams!)

the woggle...

so the grams saved the day and came to sit with the kiddos so i could go get some exercise. thank you grams! you are such wonderful support to me! anyway, it was an absolutly gorgeous day here so i was actually excited to go out for a 30 minute woggle {walk - jog - was just gonna be a wog {walk/jog}, but i decided as i was doing the jogging sections that i needed to add jiggle!}. so i jogged for one minute and walked for two minutes for a total of 30 minutes. not sure how far it was exactly...gonna have to get out and drive it so i can add my mileage to my little ticker! i so hated having to start at this point. i remember days that i could run for an hour and it felt so good. but knowing i had to start somewhere, i thought this would be a good one. so this will be the progression of my exercise program:

woggle - walk/jog/jiggle

wog - walk/jog


rog - run/jog

and finally:

i'll definitly keep you posted on which step i am at i the woggle to run program. i am so glad we are making this a year project. i don't feel the need to overextend myself, but i do feel the need to push myself to reach a goal! i think this is the best idea we have had yet...along with our sassy goddess t-shirts...those were awesome! i need to find mine and wear it when i woggle!!! ha!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Run number 2: DONE!

I have to admit, I was not looking forward to my run this evening.  It has been so cold and dreary around here, it's just zapping my energy!  But, I went anyway.  It was dry when I started...of course as soon as I got to the furthest point from home, it started pouring!  It actually was kinda fun at first.  I felt all wild and crazy running in the rain!  It was a little freeing...until I got cold, then it just sucked.  It did make me run faster though! 

Todays total:  1.75 miles

This was me when I got home.

photo found here.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

it rained...

but i went anyway!!!! only got about 2 miles before the rain came...again. but i got out and i did it. bo stayed home with the kids and it felt so good to get outside and a bit physical.
Newsflash: amanda is totally out of shape...big time! i know, i know, i am changing this, but good grief, this starting over is difficult. i know i can do it. can't let jen down and i really have gotten to that place where it is a priority for me to take better care of myself and gain that happiness that i used to have. yes, i am happy now, my life is pretty good. but i want to be able to enjoy this wonderful life fully. it will happen. i will get there, but the starting is definitly hard.

It's cold and rainy...

and my husband still has not moved the treadmill to the basement since our move in May.  Better luck tomorrow I guess.  I really don't want to get behind this early in the game! 

I hope the rain let up for you, Amanda!

Monday, October 12, 2009

like jen, i too have finally woke up and found myself not 20 but 40 lbs overweight {could actually stand to loose 50ish though}. after two children and just letting myself go {something i told myself i would never do...never say never!} i am finally ready to regain my old self. the self that looked forward to my workouts 6 days a week. the self that liked what i saw in the mirror and felt pride in the work and the sweat that it took to achieve that wonderful fit reflection. i am so excited to take this wonderful journey with my bestie! thank goodness for the internet, it continues to make me feel closer to this woman that i adore so much and wish i lived closer to. jen i am so proud of you for getting started today and am totally wishing i had been able to. i spent most of the day down with a migrain and when i get one of those i'm lucky if i don't puke when i roll over. my mama even had to come over and watch the kids for a while this was bad. it's still lingering, but i can tell after i go to bed tonight it will finally dissolve. and no, i will not be coming up with excuses daily. i want to do this. i am so ready to get myself back. i want to feel good naked {there's nothing wrong with that, right!} and be a totally hot mommy...the kind that when meeting new people are so shocked that i have two children because i look so damn good! i want to be a healthy role model for my children {especially my daughter}. so wish me luck tomorrow on my morning jog. yep, i'm actually gonna start off jogging. i know it's gonna be hard, but every day it will get easier. i'll let you know how it goes.

i can't believe those barefoot shoes...i think they would drive me crazy between my toes like weird!

Day One!

I woke up this morning, weighed myself and gasped.  I am officially 20 pounds heavier than I should be...25 heavier than my ideal.  I cannot believe I let this happen...again.  I go through spurts, really good spurts, where I exercise and eat right and almost get to where I want to be.  Then I fall off the wagon and wake up 20 pounds overweight.  My clothes don't fit right, if at all.  This is it, I'm sticking to it this time for good!  It just sucks too bad to have to start over again! 

I'm pumped up and ready to roll! I ran a 5k on Saturday {which doesn't count for this challenge} so I know I can do it! 

Today's distance:  2.4 miles

I'm still a little stiff from the 5k, so I have to admit that I walked a little.  I'd estimate maybe .3 miles worth was walking, but the rest was all run! 

I have a feeling I'm going to see some characters out and about over the next year.  Tonight it was barefoot runner man and his barefoot running 5 year old.  I'm sorry, I just don't get the barefoot running thing.  Especially when it's 45 degrees!  Although,  I think their little "barefoot" running shoes are quite interesting.  {doesn't having any shoe kinda negate the barefoot thing?  and the toes being separated would drive me CRAZY!}  I saw these for the first time on Saturday.  Come to think of it, it could have been the same guy...anyway, I digress.  These peeps weren't wearing any shoes. 

found here