Thursday, December 31, 2009

100 in 2009...

This morning I walked again...since my back is still giving me fits. I did 3.75 miles which took my yearly total to 100.02 miles.  I wanted to at least hit that 100 mark this year.  It kindof seems like a milestone at first, until you realize that that only averages to 1.9 miles per week.  {ie. seriously pathetic}  I guess that it's encouraging that 48.3 of these miles have been since DBF started...that's a little better, right?

I am certain that 2010 will be much more productive!

Today's total:  3.75 miles

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

walk and read...

This morning was a walk and read morning.  My lower back is feeling sore, so I didn't want to aggravate it by running.  As long as I keep moving, right? 

Today's distance:  2.3 miles

Monday, December 28, 2009

Quick run...

This morning I squeezed in a quick 2 mile run before my girl lunch with some old friends.  Good thing too, cause it was delicious! 
I'm finding that I'm really starting to enjoy my morning workouts.  I always thought that I would, but never had the will power to make it happen.  Of course, it's a little easier when I can get up at my leisure and workout while on vacation.  I really want to try and work out as many mornings as possible this week and get a big jump start on the new year! 

Today's Distance:  2 miles

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Eve!

I decided to give myself a little Christmas present this morning.  Since I know that the next couple days are going to be full of good food {and good drinks too}, I got first thing and got in a nice long run!  It feels so good to know that I'm set for the festivities!  I can, and will indulge a little now without feeling quite so guilty.  Now, I just need to get everything else ready! 

Today's distance:  4 miles  {approx. 1 mile walk, 3 miles run....the running was all at once too!}

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dark mornings...

Despite the dark, I was up and running this morning.  It is oh-so difficult to get out of bed this time of year, especially early!  Luckily, yesterday was the shortest day, so it should only get easier from here!

I've been trying so hard to eat right the last week.  {i have caved to some christmas goodies, but overall have succeeded!} That, paired with a little bit of exercise, and I'm actually seeing it on the scale this week! yay!

Today was an indoor woggle I guess.  I alternated between a really brisk walk and 6 mph running for a total of 2.26 miles in 27:27 minutes.

Today's total:  2.26 miles

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Fast Run...

I was up at 5:30 this morning to hit the treadmill.  I had to get an etsy order ready to ship before work too, so I knew I had to make it quick.  I wanted to get in 2 miles, and really challenged myself to do it as quickly as possible without killing myself.  I ran it all at 6-7 miles per hour, which, for me, is fast!
Every day I'm able to win over sleep and get up to work out is a victory in my eyes.  I love me some sleep, but I really do love working out in the morning.  It is just so nice to have it done for the day!  This was especially important today, since I will be indulging in some yummy mexican food at our company holiday party.

Todays distance:  2 miles

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

day #1

day #1 of eating no processed sugar starting........nnnnoooowwwwwww! good luck through the holidays, i know that's what your thinking! but i have got to do something, now...
i'll let you know how the day goes....

Monday, December 14, 2009

Up 'n at 'em!

Usually I struggle with going to bed on Sunday nights.  I just don't want to admit that the weekend is over, and that I'll be back to work soon.  This always results in me staying up way too late and then being miserable on Monday morning.  That leads to a snowball effect that makes me more and more tired throughout the week.  Well, last night at about 9:30, I decided to just go to bed.  I'm not sure what got into me.  Maybe it's that I only have one more full week of work before the xmas break?  Maybe I just had a moment of maturity.  Whatever it was, I'm so glad I did!  I got a good nights sleep AND got up and ran this morning!  2.4 miles, baby!  I told myself all I had to do was get up and walk, but once I was up, I felt pretty good and decided to run after all.

It feels so good to start off the week like this.  Hopefully it's a start to more good choices, but for now, I'm just glad I don't have to feel guilty when I get home this evening and relax!

Today's distance:  2.4 miles

Friday, December 4, 2009

stretchy jeans...

So, I was writing this as a comment to your post, but then I decided that I needed to post this. I need to hold myself accountable, and nothing will make you take responsibility like airing your embarrassments to the world, right?  

Yay, I'm so glad you got two in! I of course have done nothing since "getting back on the wagon" last week. Sickness will do that to you. This blog is definitely bringing to light how many excuses I allow myself to have. It kinda sucks!  

You missy have absolutely no reason whatsoever to be ashamed! We love you so much and you may not look exactly the way you would like, but you are my beautiful, gorgeous, sassy goddess of a best friend and always will be! I think we're both having lots of things getting in the way lately, and we just have to fight through the holidays. I just know that our visit will motivate us and we'll be pressing straight on into the new year!  

Believe me, I know how frustrating it is. I have gained even more. I'm pretty much at my biggest. Oh, who am I kidding... I AM at my biggest! I think I'm proportioned differently than I was last time I was here, but I'm still here. 

I ripped a hole in the crotch of the only good pair of jeans that I own the other day, just from squatting down to pick something up. These used to be the big-fall off me-I have to wear a belt with these- kind of jeans. Talk about depressing. I now only have this old stretchy pair of jeans that will fit on my body. They're stretchy. Stretchy jeans. STRETCHY. Like stretchy without pockets on the butt stretchy. Yeah, that bad. I've convinced myself it's okay to wear them as long as it's with a long shirt or sweater. I'm not going to subject anyone to them in all their stretchy glory! Not a single pair of other jeans I own will fit. But, I refuse to buy new ones. I will just have to get back into the cute ones. In the meantime the stretchys will be my punishment, and unfortunately, probably a punishment for anyone who has eyes.

Hang in there, girl. Love you.
p.s. I have unlimited calling on my phone now! I'll call you this weekend! hugs!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


got in two today...nice! my aunt watched my kiddos while i walked on the treadmill...{it is way to cold to drag the kids outside in the stroller!}. so, i feel good about it and hopefully can keep it up for a while... i know, i know, you've heard that before, but hopefully i'll put myself at the top of the list for a while and do something good for myself.
hopefully jon and jen will be coming down soon for a visit and i am soooooo super excited to see them...but not for them to see me...i'm the biggest i've ever been and a bit ashamed. hopefully i can trim down a bit before they come. i know, it's silly to worry about, i know jen loves me for me and doesn't care what i look like, but finding yourself not looking anything like you did three years ago can be a bit of a shock {especially when you know how you got here, but can't believe how quickly it all happened!} so, yeah, see you again tomorrow treadmill :)