Monday, January 18, 2010

5 day challenge...

8 weeks til daylight savings!  Translation: 8 weeks til it won't be so freakin' hard to get out of bed!  I swear the last couple of weeks have been killer. 

I did make it out of bed this morning and put in 2.2 miles on the treadmill.  There was still some slippage happening, but not as bad as last time.  

I am bound and determined to make this week count!  I am sick and tired of being this out of shape, and I'm not going to take it any more!  I will be up EVERY morning this week to put in a minimum of 2 miles each day.  I have to.  

I have surpassed that number on the scale.  You know the one.  The one you always swear you'll never see.  yep.  I see it.  I'm done.  

I know, I know, "don't pay attention to the scale.  just go by how your clothes fit."  Well, that won't work for me either.  The clothes are tight and uncomfortable.  

The time has come.  5 days in a I go!  

Seriously, if I don't stick to this, you need to yell at me.  

Today's distance:  2.2

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