Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I rocked it this morning!

On sunday I decided that I would do the same 5 day challenge this week as I did last week.  {After all, at this point it's mostly about creating that habit of getting up and working out every morning.}  Well, yesterday came, my alarm went off and I hit snooze.  The next thing I knew, it was 6:15!  Not enough time to get in my workout.  Boo.

Well, I didn't want there to be a repeat today, so I made sure to get to bed early.  {even though my jayhawks were playing mizzou!  that's a major sacrifice my friends!}  I got up this morning and thought, I'm just going to walk, I don't think I can handle running.  Then, I got on the treadmill and decided to alternate every 1/4 mile between running and walking.  Then I got in the first 1/4 mile of running and thought, well, maybe I'll do 1/4 mile walk/1/2 mile run.  Then I got to 1/2 mile and thought, maybe I can do a mile.  Got to a mile, then went for 2.  Got to 2, then decided to just run it out to 30 minutes.  I ended up putting in 2.5 miles of running {all at once I might add} and 1/2 mile of walking.  I ROCKED IT!   I was so proud of myself.  It's amazing the difference in my attitude from the time I roll out of bed to the time I'm done with my workout!  

Now I've set the bar for the week...hope I can keep it up!  I'd like to get in at least 2.5 miles a day for the remainder of the work week and one workout this weekend.  That will make up for pooping out yesterday.

Todays distance:  3 miles

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