Wednesday, October 21, 2009

rain, ear infections....excuses much?!

so ava still has her ear infections...she seems to be doing better, though. however, i haven't been out to woggle in quite a while. yesterday the weather was gorgeous, but the day got away from me. so in a last ditch effort to get in some sort of exercise, i busted out my 30 day shred with jillian michaels from the biggest loser at 10 pm. it is only a 20 minute video, but it kicked my booty! {& got me really pumped about exercising!} i'm gonna try and do it every day for thirty days and see if it really can help me loose some inches. i am even going to do it on days i get to woggle. i have decided that when i get the opportunity to go woggle, i need to make the most of from now on, if time allows, i am going to try and pull some 4 or 5 milers to make sure to reach my goal. i have found that every day just isn't going to happen for getting out with someone to watch the kids and the weather isn't always cooperative, so....i'm gonna have to make the most of the days that for some reason, the planets all align and i can escape for a bit! maybe later today the rain will stop and i can get out for quick one! we shall see. i do feel good that i did some sort of exercise yesterday, though. i really do miss my gym right about now!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a plan!

    That workout is killer!!! It was on our on-demand thing a while back and I tried it...kicked my booty too! It's so weird, cause when you're doing it, you think, oh this is just basic stuff...well, apparently there's a reason those are basic moves...cause they WORK!

    Jon told me I can't do it in the living room anymore though...the house shakes. Yes, that's right...I'm so huge that the house shakes. No, he didn't mean it like that! He was right, the house was shaking and I definitely don't want to be responsible for the house shaking, so I'll just refrain from that til I can do it in the basement!

    I've been really off this week. Last week was so good. See, this is where I struggle. I can do really well for a short period of time, but then I can't follow through. Not this time though! The treadmill is moving tonight, so NO MORE EXCUSES!

    Proud of you girlie! Love ya!
