Monday, October 12, 2009

Day One!

I woke up this morning, weighed myself and gasped.  I am officially 20 pounds heavier than I should be...25 heavier than my ideal.  I cannot believe I let this happen...again.  I go through spurts, really good spurts, where I exercise and eat right and almost get to where I want to be.  Then I fall off the wagon and wake up 20 pounds overweight.  My clothes don't fit right, if at all.  This is it, I'm sticking to it this time for good!  It just sucks too bad to have to start over again! 

I'm pumped up and ready to roll! I ran a 5k on Saturday {which doesn't count for this challenge} so I know I can do it! 

Today's distance:  2.4 miles

I'm still a little stiff from the 5k, so I have to admit that I walked a little.  I'd estimate maybe .3 miles worth was walking, but the rest was all run! 

I have a feeling I'm going to see some characters out and about over the next year.  Tonight it was barefoot runner man and his barefoot running 5 year old.  I'm sorry, I just don't get the barefoot running thing.  Especially when it's 45 degrees!  Although,  I think their little "barefoot" running shoes are quite interesting.  {doesn't having any shoe kinda negate the barefoot thing?  and the toes being separated would drive me CRAZY!}  I saw these for the first time on Saturday.  Come to think of it, it could have been the same guy...anyway, I digress.  These peeps weren't wearing any shoes. 

found here

1 comment:

  1. good girl!
    those shoes are too weird...can't wait to see what other craziness you come across on your running trips!
    proud of you!
